Wednesday, September 03, 2008

What color is your tap water?

They say one of those popular bottled water companies bottles water directly from the tap, as in direct from WASA. Doh say I say! Now, IF that is true, it should be relatively easy to prove. Of course the naysayers won't fund a simple analysis to prove whether the rumours they spread are true or not! They prefer to bask in their ignorance. The bottled water companies do have a stake though, in their reputation. They have the responsibility to ensure the public is made aware of the facts, and it wouldn't hurt them to do whatever they could to clean up their reputation, no pun intended. The question is are they willing to step up to the plate? Meanwhile, I'm buying foreign - water that is. Can you blame me? I prefer not to get Type II diabetes from tap water, thank you very much! Let's hope I'm not too late!

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