Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Catwoman 2

So Halle Berry slammed Catwoman at the Razzies then said she would consider a sequel if they did it better. Well, what else can the woman say? Razzies are a wannabe awards show, they should give themselves Razzies and then cancel their awards for good. If you decide to show up to collect an award, you can't very well try to tell them anything else but what they want to hear (can you say 'boo') so what should Halle have done? A lot of movies get Razzies simply because they don't earn at the box office, which doesn't say much really in the grand scheme of things. So Warner Bros didn't make did break even didn't it? I'm sure with DVD sales it must have. The point is, Halle Berry made a great catwoman, even if she wasn't widely praised for it because half the 'Catwoman' comic fan population decided to pan it long before they even saw it because it wasn't a story about Selina Kyle, whoever she is. Halle is an actress who is true to herself and she was great in the role so why shouldn't she consider a sequel to a fun movie when she enjoyed playing the role. It's not like she wouldn't get paid for it. And who cares what the critics say -they are not the be all and end all of her career! Give the woman a break! Please!

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