Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Pastor who deserved to die?

In a taxi, a passenger in conversation with the driver about the Pastor shot by a police officer says something like:
"Dem Pastors not easy."
He was laughing in a suggestive way, as he spoke, and apparently meant that the pastor deserved his 'execution' by the police officer. The driver tried to tell him don't joke about a human life but he persisted in his opinion. He went on to tell the story of some other man whose business was exposed by another pastor.
So, apparently one bad apple spoils the whole bunch, and you can deserve to be shot to death by a police officer! Is this the death penalty gone crazy?!
It shows the kind of mentality pervading the population, such little care for the sanctity of human life. It's no wonder our murder rate is rising, with people like that walking around, what else can happen?

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