Monday, September 29, 2008

Cancer-causing foods

Care 2 lists the top 10 cancer causing foods here. Click to the article for full details after you browse the list:

1. All charred food

2. Well-done red meat

3. Sugar (white and brown)

4. Heavily salted, smoked and pickled foods

5. Sodas/soft drinks

6. French fries, chips and snack foods that contain trans fats

7. Food and drink additives e.g. aspartame

8. Excess alcohol

9. Baked goods

10. Farmed fish (contains higher levels of toxins e.g. PCBs)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Is your sunscreen bad for your skin?

It might be! The nonprofit organisation Environmental Working Group (EWG) says some sunscreens contain harmful chemicals and others do not block all UV radiation. See how your brand stacks up. Surf to (EWG’s online Skin Deep database and see how your brand compares with others. You can also read about other health and beauty products.

Skin Deep lists these among the safe brands:
Alba Botanica Sun’s Fragrance-Free Mineral Sunscreen
Avalon Baby’s Sunscreen SPF 18
Badger’s SPF 30 Sunscreen
Burt’s Bees’ Chemical-Free Sunscreen SPF 15
California Baby’s SPF 30
Juice Beauty’s Green Apple SPF 15 Moisturizer, and
Kabana’s Green Screen SPF 15.


Ways to Reduce Your Exposure to BPA

Bisphenol A (BPA) is said to be linked to Higher Risks of Heart Disease and Diabetes
Lower your risk!
Choose Plastic or Glass Bottles for Beverages
Canned juice and soda often contain some BPA, especially if they come in cans lined with BPA-laden plastic. Glass or plastic bottles are safer choices. For portable water bottles, stainless steel is best, but most disposable plastic water bottles do not contain BPA. Those that do are usually marked with a number 7 recycling code.

Use Baby Bottles That Are BPA-Free
As a general rule, hard, clear plastic contains BPA while soft or cloudy plastic does not. Most major manufacturers now offer baby bottles made without BPA.

Practice Moderation
The fewer canned foods and beverages you consume, the less your exposure to BPA, but you don’t have to cut out canned foods altogether to reduce your exposure and lower your potential health risks. In addition to eating less canned food overall, limit your intake of canned foods that are high in BPA.

For more ways see the source article.

The sweet surprise

Ah hear High Fructose Corn Syrup contains no artificial ingredients. I thought it was an artificial ingredient...?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Corporate Responsibility in T&T

Kudos to the following companies for demonstrating corporate social responsibility in paying to have their e-waste safely recycled/disposed of:

The Ministry of National Security
National Information Service Centre
National Institute of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (Niherst)
The University of the West Indies
The Unit Trust Corporation
Neal & Massy Motors
Tracmac Engineering
All Media Projects Ltd Ample
Coblentz Inn Boutique Hotel
SM Jaleel & Company Ltd
EOG Resources Trinidad Ltd
First Citizens
Risk Management Services Ltd
Courts (Trinidad Ltd)


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Free bus rides

Yep, apparently UWI students (and all other students) get free rides on PTSC buses by showing their ID. Heard this yesterday even though it seems to have been the modus operandi for a couple of years, if you believe my source...and I seldom do without a grain of salt!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Be careful where you roam!

Not all mobile roaming charges are equal. When you choose a certain scarlet network for roaming be sure they distinguish between regional roaming and international roaming if you plan to visit countries outside the Caribbean region. A lot of customers have learnt this painful lesson the hard way. Don't say you didn't know now!

A personality profile!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Dengue advisory

Call the Insect Vector Control Unit if any of the following occurs:

- You (or a member of your family/village/community) have been diagnosed with dengue fever, malaria, yellow fever, West Nile virus, hairy-moth infestation or any other insect or organism-borne disease.

- Your community or area has an unusually severe infestation of insects or other organisms that may spread disease.

Insect Vector Unit
Tel. (868) 663-2281/6
Call them asap! This is a public service announcement courtesy of Ah Hear So! :)


Thursday, September 04, 2008

The deal with the recycling bins in POS

Apparently the business men and women sponsored shiny new recycling bins for Port of Spain, but the City Engineer is not quite sure if they are recycling any of the contents of those bins although they are being regularly emptied. He thinks they're going to the landfill right now, because "we don't have anything in place" to recycle anything yet. He said to call SWMCOL...will let you know how that goes! So...what about Carib Glassworks? Pinranhatt? Ace? These companies recycle glass, plastic and paper, respectively. Could someone please pass the information along to the relevant authority?

The Pastor who deserved to die?

In a taxi, a passenger in conversation with the driver about the Pastor shot by a police officer says something like:
"Dem Pastors not easy."
He was laughing in a suggestive way, as he spoke, and apparently meant that the pastor deserved his 'execution' by the police officer. The driver tried to tell him don't joke about a human life but he persisted in his opinion. He went on to tell the story of some other man whose business was exposed by another pastor.
So, apparently one bad apple spoils the whole bunch, and you can deserve to be shot to death by a police officer! Is this the death penalty gone crazy?!
It shows the kind of mentality pervading the population, such little care for the sanctity of human life. It's no wonder our murder rate is rising, with people like that walking around, what else can happen?

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Catwoman 2

So Halle Berry slammed Catwoman at the Razzies then said she would consider a sequel if they did it better. Well, what else can the woman say? Razzies are a wannabe awards show, they should give themselves Razzies and then cancel their awards for good. If you decide to show up to collect an award, you can't very well try to tell them anything else but what they want to hear (can you say 'boo') so what should Halle have done? A lot of movies get Razzies simply because they don't earn at the box office, which doesn't say much really in the grand scheme of things. So Warner Bros didn't make did break even didn't it? I'm sure with DVD sales it must have. The point is, Halle Berry made a great catwoman, even if she wasn't widely praised for it because half the 'Catwoman' comic fan population decided to pan it long before they even saw it because it wasn't a story about Selina Kyle, whoever she is. Halle is an actress who is true to herself and she was great in the role so why shouldn't she consider a sequel to a fun movie when she enjoyed playing the role. It's not like she wouldn't get paid for it. And who cares what the critics say -they are not the be all and end all of her career! Give the woman a break! Please!

What color is your tap water?

They say one of those popular bottled water companies bottles water directly from the tap, as in direct from WASA. Doh say I say! Now, IF that is true, it should be relatively easy to prove. Of course the naysayers won't fund a simple analysis to prove whether the rumours they spread are true or not! They prefer to bask in their ignorance. The bottled water companies do have a stake though, in their reputation. They have the responsibility to ensure the public is made aware of the facts, and it wouldn't hurt them to do whatever they could to clean up their reputation, no pun intended. The question is are they willing to step up to the plate? Meanwhile, I'm buying foreign - water that is. Can you blame me? I prefer not to get Type II diabetes from tap water, thank you very much! Let's hope I'm not too late!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

New recycling bins in POS

Saw one on Independence Square and two on Frederick Street, but I hear there are more of these shiny metal recycling bins for your cans, bottles, paper and ordinary trash. What a great upgrade for Port of Spain! Now if only we could have some of these in the boroughs of Arima and San Fernando and on the campuses of our universities.